Prayer Leadership, Ritual Design, and Spiritual Guidance

I am available to lead prayer services, to support your on your spiritual journey, or to design a custom ritual or prayer for the moments in your life that require a ritual or a blessing, and don’t necessarily have one already.

I’ve created and a transgender renaming ritual, a ritual for moving into a new home, a mikveh ritual for caregivers, a ritual for a bone marrow transplant, and a ritual for a friend closing a beloved art studio. I wrote a prayer for postponing special events, a prayer for receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, a caregiver’s prayer, and several contemporary versions of daily liturgy. You can find many of these linked on my writing page, and published on Ritualwell.

I also created the Virtual Memory Circle, which is hosted online, and is ideal for communities that cannot gather in person for a funeral or memorial service. Virtual Memory Circles are a hybrid between a funeral and a grief group – I use elements of both to support people in remembering and honoring the ones they love when they can’t gather to remember in the usual ways. I facilitated three of these Virtual Memory Circles on Zoom in other moments when communities were unable to gather to mourn in person. When COVID-19 began spreading, I knew that others would need to learn how to do this too, so I wrote up a facilitator’s guide, submitted it to Ritualwell, and offered to teach a course on the topic. On March 29th 2020, I shared my experience in a session I designed for clergy from multiple faith backgrounds who wanted to learn how to facilitate their own Virtual Memory Circles. 115 people registered for the course.

Testimonial from a Virtual Memory Circle Participant:

“I was worried going into a Zoom memorial service that I was in the wrong mood for it and wouldn’t be able to properly grieve. Without being forced to go through a getting-ready process, I hadn’t been able to unwind or mentally prepare for this event. The moment I logged on, I heard Heather’s voice in the perfect tone, with perfect background music. I was transported. She had somehow created this space that had transformed my study into a place of grieving. I was with my community and they were there with me. Every time Heather’s voice floated through my screen, I was reminded of the love we all had for the woman who had passed. With such care, Heather guided all of us through a service that honored her just as well as any in-person service could have.” 

If you would like to hire me to teach a webinar, to design a ritual, or to write a prayer for your unique experience, please email me at

Thank you!